You Won’t Get Corona If….

SA Revelation Staff

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused incredible uncertainty in our lives.  Not only are we stuck at home, but It can be hard to figure out if the information we’re getting from online and television sources is true.  Surely, if “a friend who has an uncle in Wuhan” posts something on instagram, it has to be true. When we read that we need to close our windows because “military helicopters are spraying disinfectant,” it must be true because the military is a government entity.  False information tends to fly faster when people are afraid and mixing true information like “washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds helps stem the spread of the virus” with false information like “drinking cow urine provides immunity against the virus” can confuse the public and leave them wondering what the real facts are.


Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are taking stronger actions against false information than they have before.  When the Brazilian president posted that social distancing was a hoax, Facebook deleted his post. When the Venezuelan president posted a homemade treatment for the virus, his post was deleted too.  Even Rudy Guiliani, former New York City Mayor and personal lawyer for President Trump, found his posts about Quinine being a 100% effective treatment for Corona deleted by Twitter.


There are simple ways to determine what news is factual and what news is fake.  First, stop and think. Where does the information come from? Choosing reliable sources like the World Health Organization or the Center for Disease Control can lead you to factual, up-to-the-minute information.  Second, ask yourself, “Could this information be fake?” Mismatched fonts and odd capitalizations are a clue that the source is unreliable. Third, if in doubt, don’t share. Passing on dubious information can do more harm than good.  Fourth, check each fact individually. If something in a list doesn’t sound right, it may not be. Fifth, beware of emotional posts. Fear allows misinformation to thrive and emotional posts tend to be shared more often. Finally, think about biases.  Are you wanting to share something because it is true, or because you agree with it? Following these simple steps can help stop the spread of misinformation and can allow real news to find its way to you.


Mythbusting – Corona Style:


Myth: Cold weather and snow can kill coronavirus.

Fact: There is no evidence to prove this.

Myth: Warmer weather will kill off coronavirus.

Fact:  The virus can be transmitted in all areas, regardless of the climate.

Myth: Taking a hot bath prevents COVID-19 virus.

Fact: Body temperature stays around 98.6 degrees, regardless of the temperature of a bath or shower.

Myth: Coronavirus can be spread by mosquitoes.

Fact: Corona is spread by droplets from an infected person’s saliva or nasal discharge.

Myth: A UV disinfection lamp can kill coronavirus.

Fact: UV lamps are ineffective.

Myth: Pneumonia vaccines protect against coronavirus.

Fact: Coronavirus is a unique strain of SARS virus and needs its own vaccine

Myth: Eating garlic can help prevent a coronavirus infection.

Fact: While it won’t hurt you, there is no evidence that garlic prevents corona.

Myth: COVID-19 only affects old people.

Fact: People of all ages can be infected with coronavirus.